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There it was on the front page of The Australian newspaper—in a commentary piece by Simon Benson—the word ‘indexes’ used as the plural form of ‘index.’
He was writing about the official Living Standards Index published by the ABS (the Australian Bureau of Statistics).
Apparently this LCI report contains ‘five indexes’ measuring how much the cost of living goes up or down for different groups of people.
But are they ‘indexes’?
Or should the plural of ‘index’ be ‘indices’?
The Grammarist website addresses this question and gives this answer: ‘Both “indexes” and “indices” are correct English plurals of the singular noun “index.” But there is a preference for indices outside North America because of solid adherence to Latin plurals.’
But (it turns out) it is much more complicated than that.
Let’s start with the meaning ‘index’—this has a total of ten different meanings in the Oxford English Dictionary—with sub-divisions under some of those ten headings.
The core concept at the heart of ‘index’ is ‘indicate.’
That’s why it can be used for a finger (the finger you usually use as a pointer—to indicate what you mean).
The list of a book’s contents is the ‘index ‘because it indicates what’s in the book.
And in mathematics it has as range of meanings, including a list of numbers that indicates… whatever.
So, given all those meanings—should we simply decide in favour of either ‘indexes’ or ‘indices’ as the plural?
Not so fast, says the Oxford—there can be different plurals for different contexts (or so says the big book from the dreaming spires of the ancient seat of learning).
The Oxford suggests that in all mathematical contexts the plural should be ‘indices’ while if you are talking about the index tables at the back of books you should use ‘indexes.’
So, let’s compare Simon Benson’s use to that ruling.
And, clearly, he has done wrong!
He was writing about tables of figures covering different groups—and that use should take the plural form of ‘indices.’
However, I’m not prepared to stop at that point.
Perhaps I might be so bold as to disagree with the Oxford on this?
In English we normal make plurals by adding an S at the end.
That explains ‘indexes.’
So, why would be choose so odd a form as ‘indices’?
The Grammarist website says we do that to ‘adhere t the Latin plurals.’
And it’s true that the Latin plural is indicium.
But this is where I object.
We are speaking English, not Latin.
So, if you are not wearing a toga and brandishing a short-sword I insist that you are an English speaker, not a Roman—and that, therefore, you should say ‘indexes’ in all contexts.
I have been on a campaign to banish Latin plurals from English for some time now—and I have just added ‘indices’ to my list of banned Latin plurals.
So, Simon Bension—you were writing perfectly good English!
Well done!
Keep it up.
And my ruling is: ‘indices’ is out and ‘indexes’ is in.
Let’s bang down the gavel on that ruling!
The latest edition of The Spectator Australia is in newsagents now -- and it contains my "Language" column.
The January-February issue of Australian Geographic is out now (with the octopus on the cover) -- inside are my two small columns on 'Placenames' (looking at 'Ariah Park') and 'Ozwords' (this time about 'bluey').
If you'd like to see my A-Z list of Aussie slang, you'll find it here in the Australian Geographic website -- A-Z list of Aussie slang. Here’s the link: The A-Z of Aussie slang - Australian Geographic
I have just taken part in Jenny Wheeler's podcast "The Joys of Binge Reading." You can listen to the conversation here:
I have signed the anti-Semitism pledge, and I encourage you to do the same. You can sign the letter here:
The liveliest part of this website is usually the Q and A page -- be sure to check it out from time to time.
* My latest book is -- "Defending the Gospel" (second, fully revised, edition). You can find it here: Defending the Gospel –
* If you're looking for my recent book "Flash Jim" you'll find it here -- Flash Jim, The astonis
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